There's no class on Monday, in observance of Martin Luther King, Jr. Day.
Are you going to catch up on episodes of the Jersey Shore? Read a book, maybe? Get some pizza, hit a thrift store, play some video games? Take a walk or cook dinner perhaps? Maybe you'll just spend the whole day doing homework.
Either way, here's another task to add to your list: do something cool with this guy. Make it quick, spend all day on it, whatever! Add text or don't. Make a pattern, give him something to look at, or make his suit jacket polka-dotted.
Find a high-res (higher, anyways) version over in the FoGD flick pool. Post your solutions back to the pool. Let's see what we can do!
Gosh his eyes are super creepy.
Posted by: Alyx | January 16, 2010 at 04:31 PM