Manifestos and Creative Concepts
- Use strategic thinking to develop your creative identity, work and campaign
- Write a manifesto that defines the voice of your organization. (If you can't explain it simply, you don't understand it well enough — Einstein)
- A great tagline is memorable and captures the essence of the value your organization / festival provides. Don't be afraid to put plenty of personality into your tagline.
- Use your keywords to test your work. Put the words on a post it on your computer, look at your work and then at the post it note and ask yourself does this work fit / meet / speak the keywords.
Poster from
Manifesto, Pride PDX, (Design by Gaby Jenkins)
Gaby Jenkin, Keywords, Pride PDX Festival.
One of the logo variations for web by Gaby Jenkin’s Pride PDX Festival.
Overview of Pride PDX, Mobile Site Design by Gaby Jenkins
Pride PDX Tagline with Logotype in upper right of Out of Home Banner, Design by Gaby Jenkins
Pride PDX, Out of Home Posters, Design by Gaby Jenkins
Above Pride PDX, Totebag, Merchandise, Design by Gaby Jenkins
Yo Soy Chicana Talks / Festival, Denise Hernandez
Yo Soy Chicana Talks / Festival, Denise Hernandez
Yo Soy Chicana Talks / Festival, Denise Hernadez
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document… Wordmark
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document… inspiration / insight narrative
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document… insights
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document…
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document… Wordmark
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document… Creative Concept / execution of out of home.
Nimi Einstein, R!SE strategy document… Creative Concept / execution of out of home.
Jamon Sin: Tagline and Manifesto (The Rip City 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will feature divisions for all ages, abilities and skill levels. To benefit the Special Olympics Oregon.)
Jamon Sin: Posters (The Rip City 3 on 3 Basketball Tournament will feature divisions for all ages, abilities and skill levels. To benefit the Special Olympics Oregon.)
Anna Payne / with image mark
Manifesto by Hannah Höch, World Dada Fair, Design by Bryan Zentz
World Dada Fair, Primary Mark, Design by Bryan Zentz
Manifesto (left), Introduction to Guide (right), Hempfest, Design by Rico Macias-Zepeda
Description / Introduction Design by Patrick Adams
Strategy work: Tagline (left), Design Problem, Solution, Goal, Insights (right) Patrick Adams
Buy Local Facts. (left) Out of Home. (right) Of A Kind, Design by Patrick Adams
Intro / Why? Make Portland Green, Ali Gary.
Manifesto, Make Portland Green, Ali Gary
Carve Magazine, Keywords, Ashley Vaughn
Carve Magazine, Manifesto / About, Tagline, Ashley Vaughn
Carve Magazine, Ashley Vaughn
Rachel Goldstein, Pedalpalooza, Manifesto
Rachel Goldstein, Pedalpalooza, Illustration style.
Rachel Goldstein, Pedalpalooza, Poster with tagline.
Bill Phan, NASA Science Fair, Insight and Keywords
Bill Phan, NASA Science Fair, main logotype (secondary marks and icon system also created)
Bill Phan, NASA Science Fair, Field notes with illustrations
Eleena Katz, Manifesto, Hump Fest
Maggie Johnson, The 48 hour PDX Film Project, keywords
Maggie Johnson, The 48 hour PDX Film Project, about / manifesto
Maggie Johnson, The 48 hour PDX Film Project, logotype / wordmark
Shoshanna Freedman, Purim Festival, Keywords
Shoshanna Freedman, Purim Festival, Manifesto
Shoshanna Freedman, Purim Festival, Wordmark and Illustration style / pattern
Nina Berry, Cup-Free Campus, strategy / approach
Nina Berry,Cup-Free Campus, strategy / approach
Nina Berry,Cup-Free Campus, keywords
Tour De Stache, Portland 2014, Tagline (left), Manifesto (right), Designed by Paul Rosales
Logotype, Stumping Grounds, Portland Music Festival, Tyler Butler
Overview / Description of Stumping Grounds, Portland Music Festival, Tyler Butler
Kelly Ongkowidjojo, Portland Fashion Week — quote to capture an insight / manifesto / about
Kelly Ongkowidjojo, Portland Fashion Week